Nikki provides guidance to elevate your energy. Work through what’s challenging you and receive practical tips on how to heal!

We can cover topics like wellness, job/career, emotional healing, spiritual growth.

If you’ve worked with Nikki before or desire 3m of deep Mentorship, select the Coaching Package!

  • 70% of the session is for you to share. The other 30% is for me to provide insights and reflections with you.

    For 30m sessions, complete the form detailing your challenge so we can maximize the session discussing solutions!

  • No. If you have or believe you have a mental health disorder (rather than an emotional block to work through), this would be best facilitated by a licensed therapist.

  • Sessions are conducted on Google Meet. Nikki uses her intuitive insights and experience to provide you clarity. Nikki may also recommend wellness practices including: journaling, sound baths, meditation, affirmations, herbal remedies or somatic exercises.

  • Yes! As a part of your session package, you also have email access to work through smaller issues in real time. Response in 48 hours.