NYU Study Explores What Depression Looks Like in Black Women
Earlier this year, a thought-provoking article was published by NYU, shedding light on the intricate relationship between depression and Black women. It was a brief exploration of the challenges that often go unnoticed.
The article highlights the intersectionality of race and gender when it comes to mental health. Black women navigate a unique landscape where societal expectations, historical trauma, and systemic inequalities converge. Understanding this intersection is a key part of addressing our mental health.
Common symptoms of depression include low mood, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep, and feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness.
Most of the ways depression was expressed differently in Black Women were somatic symptoms like:
Fatigue, insomnia, decreased libido.
More self-critical symptoms (e.g. self-hate, self-blame) than stereotypical depression symptoms
Anhedonia (an inability to experience pleasure)
Have you experienced any of these symptoms alongside your depression sis? Drop a comment and share with us.
By fostering open dialogue about our real experiences, we can create spaces where Black women feel supported in their mental health.
I know all too well how overwhelming and confusing depression feels, so I will continue the charge in promoting mental health awareness and encouraging our sisters to seek the support they deserve! 🖤
Nikki V.
Source: https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2022/december/depression-Black-women.html